Markina I.A., Somych M.I. The economic attractiveness of the agricultural sector of Ukraine in conditions of global challenges


  • І. А. Маркіна Полтавський національний технічний університет імені Юрія Кондратюка., м. Полтава, Ukraine
  • М. І. Сьомич Полтавська державна аграрна академія, м. Полтава,



agricultural sector, the economic attractiveness of global challenges, exports, gross output, agricultural holding, investments


The paper presents the study of some aspects of the economic attractiveness of the agricultural sector of Ukraine as a leading player in the global agricultural market in terms of global challenges. The basic trends of the modern world agri-food development, offer as opportunities so current and future risks of farmers and the agricultural market.

The necessity of increasing complementarity in the relationship of small, medium and large landowners, their production and non-production infrastructure were described. It was proposed to use not only the land bank but a gross product.

According to the proposal it was presented three main groups of agricultural holdings that made their comparative characteristics of individual indicators of production and financial activities. High business activity demonstrates the level of holdings of foreign direct investment, which is an indicator of economic attractiveness of the ratio of the return / risk in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The main preconditions and consequences of increased activity cooperation of the European Union and Ukraine, including as a reaction to the loss of a significant part of the market of the Commonwealth of Independent States were determined. It was proposed to use the analytical table that concentrates in a dynamic study, structural indicators and multiplicative attractiveness of the agricultural sector. Determined that the lack of development of the internal market while critically high openness of the Ukrainian economy (especially its agricultural sector) is both opportunity and significant threat to national security because of the extreme dependence on unpredictable global markets investments and food.


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How to Cite

Маркіна, І. А., & Сьомич, М. І. (2015). Markina I.A., Somych M.I. The economic attractiveness of the agricultural sector of Ukraine in conditions of global challenges. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 169–175.