Mykhailyshyn L. Systemic transformations of transnationalization in modern imperatives of innovative development.


  • Л. І. Михайлишин «Івано-Франківський навчально-науковий інститут менеджменту Тернопільського національного економічного університету», м. Івано-Франківськ, Ukraine



globalization, innovation, transnationalization actors, international scientific and technical cooperation, technology transfer, intellectual capital, technological exchange strategy, system characteristics TNC


The necessity in investigating systemic transformations of transnationalization in modern imperatives of innovative development is called by high dynamics of the development of the conditions of modern world economy functioning. This is firstly the activity of TNCs and the development of innovations which provide high competitiveness of the companies that use them and mostly rationalize the use production resources. Mutual connection of innovations and TNCs ’ activity are explained for the first time by that the firsts need new and financial resources with more volume, the others are reliable and interested by their source.   Within such cooperation and is formed a number of different operation, as for dissemination of innovation of economic globalization and the operations and their specific system components form innovative development. In the article there are investigated the specifics of implementation of these operations and there is done the analysis of factors which cause transformation processes in modern conditions. According to the results of such investigation there are  revealed modern imperatives of innovative development and the ways of their use in the activity of transnationalization subjects revealed.


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How to Cite

Михайлишин, Л. І. (2015). Mykhailyshyn L. Systemic transformations of transnationalization in modern imperatives of innovative development. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 176–183.