Ganna Duginets, Rielina Iryna. The impact of international migration on economic development of Ukraine


  • Г. В. Дугінець КНТЕУ, м. Київ, Ukraine
  • І. Є. Рєліна ДНУ ім. О. Гончара, м. Дніпропетровськ, Ukraine



international migration, economic development, highly qualified migrant remittances


It is noted that in the coming decades, demographic changes, globalization, and climate change will lead to increased migratory flows both within national borders and beyond. It is concluded that allowing workers to move to where they are productive, migration contributes to the increase in aggregate output and income. But losing educated workers with experience, the country - the donor loses not only valuable resources, but opportunities for further development also. The research determined that one of the positive trends for the donor country in terms of emigration of the working population is the increase in revenue in the form of remittances. The analysis found that there is a dependence of economic development of Ukraine from obtaining funds of our migrant workers. This trend has significant negative consequences for Ukraine, as the conditions of employment of staff reduction will reduce revenues to the state budget, so the "budget hole" will grow together with the dependence of Ukraine on foreign loans. It is proved that among the people leaving, there are mostly highly skilled workers, who help to manage the optimization of vital economic processes in the country through rationalization of the use of the necessary resources and time. It is concluded that a further increase in the number of migrants from Ukraine adversely affect the economic development of Ukraine, as it can lead to an increase in the hole in the budget by reducing tax revenue


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How to Cite

Дугінець, Г. В., & Рєліна, І. Є. (2015). Ganna Duginets, Rielina Iryna. The impact of international migration on economic development of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 191–196.