Sotnichenko L.L It is system the integration approach to region management in transport potential


  • Л. Л. Сотниченко Одеська національна морська академія м. Одеса, Ukraine



Regional government, scientific potential, intellectual management, higher education, private sector


In the article it is proved that world practice testifies, what exactly knowledge, the intellectual capital become the powerful catalyst of scientifically-technological and economic development, increase of competitiveness of the different organisations. Competitiveness and development of an infrastructure of concrete region in the nearest and far prospect will be defined largely by quality of management, an effective utilisation of progressive methods, technologies, achievements of modern management. Creation of new quality of a regional government by an infrastructure according to the developed methodology needs to be carried out by means of the concept. Realisation of researches, working out carry to functions of the organisations of sector of higher education and realisation of educational services. For normal functioning of interaction of the state and private sectors accurate is standard-legal regulation and organizational maintenance of interaction of participants of the project in the field of an infrastructure is necessary. Deficiency of qualified personnel is one of the basic obstacles for modernisation of an infrastructure and introduction of innovations. It is proved that for Ukraine expediently not only to adopt experience, but also to expand use scales the PPS. The mechanism which defines interaction of the organisations of the state, private sectors is offered and sector of higher education by creation of the coordination centre - the isolated controls the PPS.


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How to Cite

Сотниченко, Л. Л. (2015). Sotnichenko L.L It is system the integration approach to region management in transport potential. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 212–219.