Anisimov I. Ukraine's state policy on the development of innovation in the economic crisis


  • В. Є. Анісімов Донецький національний університет м. Вінниця, Ukraine



innovation, public policy, economic crisis, business, investment


The article describes the main components of the innovation policy of Ukraine, its shortcomings and contradictions in the economic crisis. It is noted that the basis of structural economic changes is the state innovation strategy and an active science and technology policies of different industries, focused on the development of advanced new technologies breakthroughs. It is concluded that for an economy based on administrative-command methods of management, the conditions of innovative development are mainly coercive measures. In a market economy conditions prevail, creating economic measures and legislative measures. Proposed measures to reform the innovation policy of Ukraine. The aim of the national state innovation policy is to create an effective mechanism for the use of domestic innovative capacity as well as to attract foreign advanced technology, combined with the natural resources, human and scientific potential can enhance the overall competitiveness of the country. It was determined that the search ways for Ukraine to enhance the efficiency of public policies to promote innovation related to the solution of the following problems: the need to develop a focused regulatory functions of the state in the field of research and development activities; imperfect mechanism of competitive selection of budget funds; low demand for innovation in the national economy; corruption and bureaucratic barriers to the availability of access to fiscal stimulus of innovation; inadequate funding of science and technology


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How to Cite

Анісімов, В. Є. (2015). Anisimov I. Ukraine’s state policy on the development of innovation in the economic crisis. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 255–261.