Kalynyna A. The study of the essence of the strategic potential of the regions


  • А. Г. Калініна Азовський морський інститут м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




Regional development, complex regional development, economic growth, sustainable development, regional managements


The article deals with the necessity of studying the category "strategic potential of the region" as it is a complex, multi-sided and multi-level category. Therefore only a complex study is a able to reveal the laws of its formation, application and development. There have been made summary tables containing the definitions of the authors and the contents of the definitions studied as the result of the investigation of different approaches for defining the categories "potential", "economic potential of the region", "Strategic potential of the region". it is underlined that the material base for providing a complex development of the region is formed by the economic potential. In case the definitions investigated are generalized, there can be made a conclusion that the economic potential characterizes the possible power of the economy. the economic potential is integrated with the level of the practical application of the sources aggregated which appear as a result of the opportunities realized. It is noted that none of the definitions considered indicate such important components of the economic potential as defining of the perspective possibilities for development of the regional systems and competitive advantages of the territory. The category "strategic potential of the region" has been studied according to the resource, effective and strategic approaches. The investigation finds out that the category "strategic potential of the region" which has appeared recently has become polysemic at once. It is the reason that the scientists still interpret it differently. It is noted that the strategic potential of the region is based on the economic potential but has a mush wider application. The author's definition of the category "strategic potential of the region" is provided. Taking into consideration modern approaches, the main principles of forming and functioning of the strategic potential of the region are defined.


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How to Cite

Калініна, А. Г. (2015). Kalynyna A. The study of the essence of the strategic potential of the regions. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 374–380. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.30.2015.74253