Goroshkova L., Volkov V., Shkarupilo E. The logistical approach to management of an infrastructure of a housing and municipal services of Ukraine
housing and communal services, break-even, economic-mathematical modeling, crisis, logistics, infrastructureAbstract
In work the analysis of the factors of influence on a financial and economic condition of a housing and municipal services of Ukraine is carried out. Is established, that them is the infrastructural component and factors of demand on services and prices on them. Is proved what to improve a condition of branch probably at the expense of effective management of an infrastructure on a basis of logistics. In work the constructed cards of the market of municipal services in view of a level of an accomplishment of inhabited fund. Is established, that in branch there is an additional segment of the market - infrastructure in an emergency condition. It for branch is by a potential opportunity of increase of volume granting of services, for the population - opportunity of increase of a level of his well-being at the expense of improvement of quality of housing conditions. Is proved, that the further development of an infrastructure is by the factor of positive influence on a financial and economic condition of branch. Is established, that the factor of influence on financial result housing and municipal services are the parameters of the price and demand for services of branch. The carried out analysis has shown, that the volumes of consumption of services of maintenance service of habitation and electric power grow not looking on increase of the prices by them, that is the infringement of the law of demand is observed. Concerning other housing and municipal services, the law of demand was carried out - with reduction of volume consumption, the price - grew. For construction of mathematical model, which describes these dependences it is offered to use logistical the equation. As against the traditional approach, at which logistical the equation describes dynamics(changes) of change of investigated parameter in time constructed logistical of curve dependence of the price of housing and municipal services from volume of demand for them. It is offered to determine an equilibrium condition of area as a point of crossing logistical curve, constructed for services, for which the law of demand and is carried out for which it rises (Giffen’s service).References
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