Improving the Efficiency of Thermal Energy Use When Heating Buildings Through the Introduction of Technologies «Smart Home»


  • А. П. Полив’янчук O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Ю. Л. Коваленко O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine


power system, heat supply, heating system, thermal regime, “smart home”, natural object, energy efficiency,


Purpose. Investigation of the effectiveness of application in the heating systems of administrative, residential, industrial and other buildings of automated thermal management systems for premises using the «smart home» technology Methods. Analysis and synthesis of information, mathematical modeling of the heat supply process of a building, statistical data processing, a computational experiment to assess the effectiveness of the use of «smart home» technologies in heat supply systems. Results. A natural object was selected and investigated for the introduction of energy-saving technologies − a 3-storey fragment of the O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv administrative building with a total heated area of 225,3 m2; investigated: structure, principle of operation, efficiency of the use of an automated control system for thermal conditions of the premises - HERZ Smart Comfort. Conclusions. The efficiency of using the HERZ Smart Comfort system was assessed according to the following criteria: the relative and absolute values of the decrease in thermal energy for heating a building - a natural object, the reduction in atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide - CO2, and the economic efficiency from saving thermal energy.The heat loss calculation was performed at round-the-clock temperature in premises +18 ° C for average monthly outside air temperatures in Kharkov during the heating seasons 1981-2016. It has been established that the use of «smart home» technologies allows reducing the costs for heating a natural object during the heating season by 16.6%, which is 4709 kWh and leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions from the production of heat in the amount of 0.95 tons/year; The economic effect in this case is 6430 UAH.

Author Biographies

А. П. Полив’янчук, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

DSc (Technic), Prof.

Ю. Л. Коваленко, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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