The Estimation Model For The Monitoring System Of Ecosafaty In Places Of Traffic Accidents With Animals On The Road Kharkiv Region


  • В. М. Гавриленко National Aviation University, Ukraine
  • Д. В. Гулевець National Aviation University, Ukraine
  • О. В. Кохан National Aviation University, Ukraine
  • Я. І. Мовчан National Aviation University, Ukraine


effective mesh size, the effective density of the mezh, an road traffic accident with animals


For monitoring road traffic accidents with animals or animal vehicle collision (RTAA/AVC) in the program GOOGLE EARTH was created electronic contour of ecological corridor for animals, which crosses the road T1702 between the villages of Cherneschina and Gorodne, Krasnokutsk district, Kharkiv region. For this contour was prepared by the estimated (forecast) table 19 variations of the models that will be of various sizes of fragmentation varies accordingly, in the calculation, the parameters of fragmentation: effective mesh size, the effective density of the mesh, the degree of landscape distribution. The research was studying the of the role of fragmentation settings for the monitoring system for road traffic accidents with animals.

Author Biographies

В. М. Гавриленко, National Aviation University

канд. фіз.-мат. наук

Я. І. Мовчан, National Aviation University

д-р біол. наук, проф.


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