Abstract. The Iranian artist's long-lasting attempt has been towards idealism.An Iranian painter has always been inclined to portray the world as it should, not to portray her own image of the world.In such a way that the universe reflected in the form of the transformed artist’s will and reflected in the light of the harmonious laws.The reality is that the major schools of painting was based on Persian literature and developed elsewhere in the region.Specific and poetic visualization, iconography is an achievement of the Islamic art of Iran. The Iranians entered some kind of beauty into imagination into the architectural space and created decorative shapes which affected the nature of architecture.It aims to create a fantastic space and a floating world of imagination and embodiment of unity by
applying all the ideals and elements of painting in space.This research deals with qualitative study of the art of painting and interpretation features.a framework based on three cognitive, beautiful and historical aspects, has been designed to analyze the methods of understanding the art of painting and architectureand identifies the weakness and strength of each of them and finally, a way to understand the architectural space in the Iranian paintings based on four pillars are cleared which include 1-Scrolling 2- scan the history of typology and cognitive symbols 3- Phenomenological and
symbolic scans 4-Intuitive reflection (Veridical). Meanings may either endorse one another or abandon one another.From the results of this research, it is possible to present a new and well-known aesthetic solution in painting and architecture.
Key words: Art, Painting, Architectural space
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