Abstract. One of Jala ad-Din Muhammad Rumi’s important ways in relation to God-Man is "love". Man can reach God through love and achieve divine qualities. According to Islamic understanding and literature, man has been valued by God's spirit when created, and the soul of God has been given to him. Therefore, the great power that is inhabited is its spirit. With this factor, man can reach to the highest order by moving from the lowest point and raising herself, and also get the chance of accessing the divine spirit. Rumi has put the name of the relationship between God-Man as love and stated that God can be reached in this way. It was seen that Rumi gave a lot of thought and inscription to reason when revealing God's imagination. Rumi, who gives a great importance to humanity and states that he is a supreme being at every opportunity has adapted to the Islamic tradition in this respect. When necessary, the thinker who benefited from the Qur'an and, if necessary, from philosophy and other sciences of the devolution revealed his particular ideas with his own point of view without harming the integrity of man and without injuring him. He deals with people with elements like mind, soul, spirit, and heart. When it comes to the relationship of God and man, Rumi emphasizes that God created everything and that all beings in the universe and the world gain with existence of Him and we see that he adopts this view. The person who is created as a supreme being will go to God as much as he or she tries to understand him, so that he will come closer to him and have the knowledge of him.
Keywords: Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, Godly love, Man, mind, spirit, soul, heart
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