Abstract. With the advent of material technology from the West to Iran, developments in the architecture of the city occurred, which in the late Qajar and early Pahlavi times had a significant impact on our residential and urban architecture. The scope of this influence has been increasing since the beginning of World Wars and the events of the architects and artists of other lands, as well as the arrival of scholars to the West. At the time of entering Mashhad, German architects strived to make those banners that could be a symbol of the consolidation and guarantee of modernity. Such as buildings that had the capacity and capability of the modern educational system in Iran. Among this, the Shahid Beheshti Industrial School should be named as the first Pahlavi era, located in Mashhad, the western side of Dr. Shariati Square (Taghajbad), registered on August 11, 2005 with the registration number 12382 as one of the national works of Iran. This assay, written in the form of descriptive analytic studies, tries to study the architectural features of this building from the standpoint of the approaches of the Bavhaus-Germany School (Weimar), a reminder of
the contribution of architects to understanding and interacting in the global information.
Key words: 1st and 2nd Pahlavi architecture, Bawhass School, Contemporary Schools, Shahid Beheshti
Conservatory of Mashhad.
Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts (PAAA), „Iran und die internationale Lage“, DG Teheran an AA
v. 27. Oktober 1939, R 28 866, Büro RAM Iran, 5/39−6/43. (Sammlung Cüppers)
Heinz Glaesner, Das Dritte Reich und der Mittlere Osten, Leipzig 1976, S. 182.
National Archive, Washington D.C., Teheran, June 17, 1942, Axis Propaganda in Iran. The Nazis, in: RG 84
Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State. Tehran Embassy General Records. 1942:820.2-851, Box 53.
Friedrich Kochwasser, Iran und wir, Herrenalb 1961, S. 245.
Kochwasser, a.a.O., S. 242.
Archiv der Gegenwart (AdG) 1957, S. 6369.
National Archive, Washington D.C., Teheran, June 17, 1942, Axis Propaganda in Iran, a.a.O.
Mahrad 1978, a.a.O., S. 36.
Kundzel, Matthias (2012). The Germans and Iran-Past and Contemporary History are a friendship.
(Translated by Michael Mayshari. France: Khavaran Publications).
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