
  • Pavel Baranov
  • Aleksey Mamychev
  • Andrey Plotnikov
  • Svetlana Vershinina
  • Tatyana Mychak



Abstract. This study is devoted to the main problems and key directions of using interactive communication
technologies in optimizing and improving the governmental administration of various processes in modern society. The authors analyze the implementation of ICT in several interrelated aspects: firstly, in the context of developing a service approach to the transformation of public administration; secondly, in the aspect of doctrinal and program provisions for the modernization of political process in society; thirdly, in terms of developing the electronic forms of democracy and the concept of e-government. The work separately presents a theoretical and practical analysis of the effectiveness and adequacy of the development of four innovative forms (e-public network, e-public administration, e-democracy, e-services) of a governmental organization of the society, as well as specifies three key areas for implementing interactive forms and service concept into a modern political process.

Key words: state, interactive communication technologies, interactive democracy, legal regimes, public
authority, transparency, e-government, electronic public networks.


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