Abstract. Educational services in cities have a significant relationship with the health and development of urban communities. Educational centers play an important role in sustainable urban development by providing services to the citizens. Therefore, educational services are essential in a variety of quantitative and qualitative dimensions of sustainable urban development. The purpose of this research is an investigation of the role of higher education institutions in sustainable development, with emphasis on social and economic indices of Sistan province. The research method is descriptive and
analytical based on library, documentary, and field studies. SPSS software was used for data analysis. The results of the descriptive findings revealed that the Higher education institutes have an impact on sustainable development. The result of single sample T-test showed that the mean of all indices is higher than average of 3 and it shows the effect of higher education institutions on sustainable development, with emphasis on the social and economic indices of Sistan province. The results of the hypothesis test showed that there is a significant relationship between the higher education and sustainable development [p < 0.05] with emphasis on social and economic indices of Sistan province.
Keywords: Higher education, Sustainable development, Social and economic indices, Sistan province.
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