
  • Flera Mukhametzyanova
  • Vsevolod Volov
  • Liaisan Khasanova




Abstract. The attempt of the generalized research analysis of a phenomenon of a facial expression in various fields of psychology and natural sciences is presented in article. In the current work is new approach to a mimicry research - as manifestations of an information hub of feedback in the system of emotional reaction and emotional intelligence reveals. On the basis of earlier conducted author's researches it is shown that by consideration of basic emotions in a uniform matrix by means of specially developed analytical device it is possible to carry out quantitative and quality assessment of a condition of the psychoemotional sphere as well as to define possibilities of emotional intelligence in the course of communication and information processing in a situation of emotional pressure. The mimicry of the person is considered as a unique psychophysiological and sociocultural phenomenon because by mimic
manifestations it is possible to keep track of cognitive style of the individual, and on visual perception - feature of sensory perception. The dialectics of rhizomorphous unity cognitive and sensual consists in this phenomenon. According to researches of authors, the repayment of emotions and expressional accents which are signs of affective thinking, deception is connected with mimicry, etc. historically scientific interest in mimicry is connected with a research of emotions, establishment on it of a mental state. The fundamental direction gained the applied development focused on problems of communication, "body language". At the same time mimicry - the unique phenomenon
reflecting sensual from a cognitive component in unity of the psychomotor act.
Matrix approach on the basis of which it was developed mathapparatus for assessment of balance and tension of basic emotions was applied to quantitative assessment of data. The offered method allows monitoring change of conditions of system in time microintervals corresponding to the initial stage of expansion of emotion. We established quantitative distinctions by criteria of stability of a matrix of basic emotions and also qualitative - prevalence of various forms of restriction of their feedback. The received results accord also with the principle of nonlinear determination of the mental phenomena approving a possibility of system to get not one, but a set of the steady states, in our case connected with reorganization of a matrix of basic emotions. Comparison of results of the quantitative and qualitative
analysis showed three forms of self-control. The phenomenon of a facial expression in many respects more available to a research of psychoemotional blocks and the system organization of emotions remain unclaimed so far and its studying represents the theoretical and practical importance for psychology.
Keywords emotional intelligence; emotional reaction system effector; matrix of basic emotions; feedback; block, mimicry


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