Abstract. The topic of this paper is the problem of the professional design thinking formation in students
which learn such discipline as design. Design thinking is a specific spatial-figurative thinking that allows designers to materialize their ideas and designs. Design thinking allows new forms and solutions of design problems to search and find. A creative search for a designer is based on empathy, which is an understanding and emotional experience concerning a practical problem being solved. Means of formation of design thinking are graphic and layout spatial modeling. They are used in conceptual, logical and physical modeling. They are implemented in the form of a two-dimensional graphic sketch and three-dimensional layout. The iteration method allows them to gradually narrow the
search for the optimal form in the design, returning from a three-dimensional model to a planar one (for example, as a photo), and make adjustments to the final three-dimensional model layout based on the analysis. To create a design object, it is necessary to have professional skills in both plane-graphic and three-dimensional space modeling. The extrapolation of planar approaches to three-dimensional once and vice versa is productive. Both methods of modeling serve a consistent approximation to the solution of a problem. They can complement each other at different stages of designing, bringing the designer closer to the embodiment in the material of the created object. The layout allows them
to define and refine the design and proportional ratios of the parts of the object being created, its functional and aesthetic characteristics. The graphic sketch makes it possible to capture the emotionally significant characteristics of the designed object, simultaneously fix its role in various contexts of the environment, and capture the intermediate stages of creative search.
Keywords: two-dimensional graphic modeling in design, model-plastic modeling in design, iteration in design,
design thinking, designing.
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