
  • Azam Raghimi
  • Hassan Khairi
  • Mohammad Hossein Pouriani



Abstract. Due to the ancient civilization, vastness and abundance of population, cultural richness, strategic and geopolitical status, Iran has always been an influential country in its environment and in the Middle East, but one of the political challenges faced by Iran in the region after the Islamic Revolution The talk is Islamophobia. One of the problems that the Islamic world faces today is after extremists in Islam, the actions of extremist groups in the region in the name of Islam that have damaged Islam and the face of Muslims in the West. Such violent acts in the region have contributed to the issue of creating Islamophobia in the region. On the other hand, the Islamic Revolution has been one of the most important
developments of this century in increasing the Islamophobia of the West and the United States, which has played a significant role in the development of Islam in this article, the present article addresses the dimensions of the Islamic revolution and the confrontation with Islamophobia and Iranophobia.
Keywords: Islamic Revolution, Islam, Islamophobia, Iran.


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