Abstract. This article examined the calmness of psychology in comparison with the sober and calmness in religion. Mental calmness has a close relationship with religious attitudes, so that psychological relaxation increases with a higher degree of religiosity. The results of the research showed that in the light of the differences in human definitions, the distinction between "mental relaxation" and "confidence in the heart" are evident. the author faced with two different terms, derived from two universes and two separate cultures. Confidence in heart is achieved in the shadow of heart calming in the shadow of divine inspiration; But mental relaxation with "soul gentleness" comes from physiological interactions (nerves and hormone) that affect the level of communication between the heart and the Lord, on the one hand, and contact with the natural world and others on the other. "Confidence" and "mental relaxation" are derived from two completely secretive cultures. For this reason, heart confidence does not fit into the empirical measure; But mental relaxation can be measured in part by psychological experiments. The Qur'anic scholars should not be confused with the two concepts, and empirical scholars do not descend on the efficacy of religious life by testing psychological relaxation tests.
Keywords: Calmness, Psychology, Religion, Tranquility, Calm.
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