Abstract. Islamic republic of Iran has been regarded as one of the most important and striking countries due to specific geographical state and strategic situation. Moreover, Russia federation as the largest country which remained intact owing to segregation of union of soviet socialists republics, has a prominent situation across international political agenda ,in such a way, has influenced much of the most striking regional and international events. Therefore, an analysis of the relations between Iran and Russia and how deep these relations between these two countries are, enhances our understanding of the issues and predominant subject matters within international sphere and remind us of advantages and shortcomings and then makes the process of the policymaking and diplomacy as easier in line with national interests. Iran and Russia relation has an impact over the practical and theoretical trend of foreign policy of two countries. Russia and Iran cooperation has a crucial effect over the regional and international relations .In the domain of
foreign policy, both sides give a special importance over how to use their own geopolitical situation and state in the international realm.
Keywords: Political Relations, Iran, Russia, Geopolitics.
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