Abstract. The present paper focuses on designing and examining the use of passive systems with emphasis on natural ventilation in temperate and humid climates. Humidity is one of the most important climatic factors affecting human well-being in temperate and humid climates. One of the goals of climate studies in architecture projects is to reach the spaces where humans feel comfortable with the least amount of energy consumption. In the present study, simulation of passive systems for an office building in Rasht in summer was carried out. To simulate, Design Builder V.4.5, with emphasis on three types of ventilation systems, including stack ventilation, double-skin façade and atrium, has been used. Although many of the natural ventilation strategies have been designed to reduce energy consumption using renewable and clean energy, evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of such innovative systems is significant. The use of natural ventilation in office buildings not only helps reduce energy consumption, but also significantly reduces operating costs. However, how much are these passive physical projects effective and which natural ventilation method is the most efficient for achieving this goal are the main questions. The results of this
simulation showed that the solar chimney system with a monthly average of about 68% of the ventilation rate was more effective and more optimal compared to the other two systems in the ventilation of the building. The double-skin façade and atrium system have 27% and 5% of the ventilation rate, respectively.
Keywords: natural ventilation, humid climates, stack ventilation, Design Builder V.4.5, passive systems.
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