The purpose of the article. The article analyzes the choral works, based on the psalm texts, by Hanna Havry- lets, the famous Ukrainian composer, laureate of the Shevchenko National Prize. Ukrainian composers of past epochs repeatedly referred to these texts, using them to create their choral concerts. In the works of H. Havrylets, the psalm texts receive a new musical interpretation, enriched by the modern interpretation of genre traditions and innovations of the musical language. The methodology of the research is a comprehensive approach to the study of this phenomenon. It is based on the reference to the historical and analytical methods. The historical method provides grounds for identify- ing several traditional features that can be found in choral concerts written over the past time. The analytical method al- lows making reasonable conclusions regarding the peculiarities of the implementation of the psalm texts in large concert compositions for the choir. The scientific novelty of the work is in resolving the range of issues by critically analyzing of already known regulations regarding the genre of a choral concert in the works of Ukrainian composers of past epochs and modernity. It is noted that in H. Havrylets‘s choral works, based on the psalm texts, she offers different plot- dramaturgical and musical interpretation of the content of these texts, shifting attention from the individual to the gen- eral. The conclusions indicate that the subject of the article extends to the field of modern Ukrainian choral music and reflects one of its tendencies related to the interpretation and modernization of the long-standing traditions of choral sing- ing in the musical art at the turn of XX – XXI centuries.
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