Purpose of Research. The purpose of the research is to find out the features of Herman Isupov's creativity as an artist of ballet and ballet master. Methodology. The methodology of the research includes the following methods: analysis (to systematize of historiographical sources), art criticism method (to find out the particularities of the performing manner and choreography of H. Isupov). They have allowed us to research the figure of H. Isupov in the art space. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the fact that the author analyses the peculiarities of H. Isupov's performing manner and choreography and proposes the author’s typology of his ballet master's works. Conclusions. The principles of the Leningrad Classical Dance School, which were studied by H. Isupov at the Perm Choreographic Institution, were the condition of the high performing and ballet mastery skills in Lviv Opera and Ballet Theatre in 1963-2000. H. Isupov-dancer formed his own performing style, which had the following features: the technical artificiality, the depth of performing images, expressiveness and a wide range of acting range from a grotesque, a comedy to a psychological drama or a deep tragedy. We should note the part of Spartacus among his ballet parts. This image of the invincible man, free, brave hero was embodied by the virtuoso dance technique. There were many author’s version of the classical ballets in H. Isupov’s ballet master’s works («Swan Lake», «Nutcracker» and «Vain Warning»), the choreographic dramas of the Soviet period («Bakhchisarai Fountain», «Romeo and Juliet») and the choreography performances of the Ukrainian period («Lilia», «The Forest Song»). His ballet «The Seasons of Year» (1980) is the example of his innovations in the ballet. Synthesis of the classical dance lexica and plastics of the contemporary choreography characterize it. H. Isupov as a ballet master worked at the staging of a number of opera performances and always followed the academic ballet traditions.##submission.downloads##
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