Cultural research within the multidimensionality paradigm


  • Tetiana Uvarova



multidimensionality, multidimensional space, multidimensional method, the multidimensionality of culture.


The purpose of the article is to develop a methodological model of the research of culture within cultural studies, built on the paradigm of multidimensionality, which has developed in philosophy. The methodology is to introduce multidimensionality as a method of studying culture. The scientific novelty is the comprehension of the method of multidimensionality and its research potential in culturology. Conclusions. The method of multidimensionality was not used in cultural studies. In the definition of "multidimensionality,” there is a terminological inconsistency and conceptual difference. As a result of scientific research, the heuristic potential of multidimensionality was declared as a method of studying culture, outlined prospects for its application in the methodology of cultural studies.


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