Marketing expertise of artworks as a component of their evaluation and promotion in the art market


  • Dmytro Akimov



marketing expertise, artist rating, the value of a work of art on the market.


The purpose of the article is to analyze and clarify the essence and objectives of the marketing examination of works of fine art in art markets and the initial consideration of marketing technologies that are used for this purpose. The methodology is based on the application of methods of system analysis, comparative method, methods of systematization, and generalization. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time the marketing bases of examination of works of art in the context of their general assessment and promotion in the art market are studied. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was found that along with traditionally used in art markets stylistic and technical and economic expertise proved the relevance of marketing expertise, taking into account numerous factors influencing the value of works in the dynamics and increasing the effectiveness of promotion in art markets. Carrying out of marketing examination of works of art assumes the account of a large number of important factors and indicators, including indices of cost, the symbolic capital which are included in works of art; ratings of artists - authors of works; availability and accessibility of works in art markets; the need for restoration and special storage conditions for works of art and the like.


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Art, decorative art, restaurant