The gene to Joys of A. Skrjabin in Concert symphony № 4 K. Szymanowski


  • Lilia Shevchenko



ecstatic art of А. Skrjabin as «gene to Joys», genre in music, genre of concert symphony, traditional thinking, nеоclаssicism.


The рurpose studies - a discovery of  A. Skrjabin  type  to ecstatic Joys (the   A. Skrjabin  the  type of the expressiveness) in Concert symphony of K. Szymanowski as attribute ukrainian cultural projection on creative activity of the last. The methdological base of the study is hеrmenеuties aspect of intonation  approach in musicology, certain works of the followers ща B. Asafiev and B. Yavorskiy in Ukraine, culturology interdisciplinary analysis in development of the studies A. Losev, T. Gumenyuk. Scientific novelty of the work is conditioned by championship  in science of art- and culturology treatment of discovery  beside K. Szymanovski A. Skrjabin  type of ecstatic expressiveness in representation to exactly ukrainian cultural tradition since  composers to Skrjabin style in Russia no (heirs of Skrjabin style I. Vyshnegradskiy and N. Obuhov present music to France) then powerful figure ukrainian symphonic composer B. Lyatoshinskiy,   genius author of the "psychоdrаmas" V. Rebikov, inhabitant of Odessa for revenge of the work and creative activity, indicate exactly ukrainian way of the realization of genius by creator "Poems of the ecstasy". Conclusions. The Quarter symphony of K. Shymanowski in her аdramatic threephase quality is not a focus "traditional thinking" since in she   reconverges too broad incidences of the models of the thinking XX cent., including nеоbаrоque comparison church composition, but,   main,  exists the conservation an Skrjabin ecstatic art, which became property of original refraction to K. Shymanowski  of the symbolism influences by creator of "Poem at еcstasy". The fullness drawing in polish composer of Skrjabin commandments about "adramatization" of music forms the parallel to  Skrjabin gravities of classic of symphonic art  to Ukraine  B. Lyatoshynski, to creative activity V. Rebikov, which was  in Ukraine and in Odessa then in Russia composer  Skriabin style did not take place. The specified side of K. Shymanovski thinking , his(its) his early high confession in Odessa, which became with the end XX cent. stronghold Skrjabin style in art, direct relation deep national bases of being notwithstanding address to folk-lore source and which distinguished as   creations of Szymanowski 1910-th years, so and entailments conceptions these years in 1932 creation 4  Concert symphony.


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Musical art