Floristic richness and taxonomic analysis of the flora of the national park "biloberezhzhya svyatoslava"




floristic richness, β-diversity, systematic structure, floristic proportions, aboriginal and adventive fractions


The aim of the work was to study the floristic richness and systematic structure of the National park “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava”. The following tasks were set for attaining this aim: to carry out inventorying of the specific composition of flora of the National park “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava”; to assess β-diversity and richness of flora the National park “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava”; to reveal the features of its flora by systematic analysis; to compare the allochtonic and autochtonal factions of flora of the National natural park “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava”.

Methods: The material was the list of varieties of the plants of flora of NNP “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava”, revealed at detail-route studies. The cameral methods were used – processing of herbarium samples, and also the methods of mathematical statistics. The taxon names were given according to Mosyakin S.L & Fedoronchuk M. M.

Results. It was revealed that floristic list of flora of the National natural park “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava” consists of 595 varieties from 318 genera, 83 families and 4 divisions of vascular plants.

The studied flora is characterized by most specific richness among the low Dnipro arenas by the level of floristic richness. It is conditioned by geological youth of arena, most diverse soil-hydrological conditions and correspondingly the different types of vegetable covering, unessential anthropogenic influence and most β-diversity.

Autochtonal element of the flora includes 479 varieties from 227 genera, 50 families. Adventive fraction includes 116 varieties from 91 genera, 33 families. Aginosperms play the most important role in flora of the National natural park “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava” (98,8%), vascular sporophytes and gymnospermous plants are only 1,2% of the general number of varieties. The floristic proportions are: (variety/genus) – 1 (variety/genus) – 3,8 (variety/genus.) – 7,2. Only 19 families of 83 ones of flora of the national park have the high level of specific diversity (7,2), one family has the middle level of specific diversity. 75 % of all flora varieties are concentrated in them. In generic spectrum prevail the monotype genera that are more than a half of the general number of flora varieties, namely 62,9 %, that is caused by the fact that the large number of endemic genera are monotype, and there are many endemic varieties in the composition of studied flora. There are 200 (62,9%) genera, which specific richness level is low(1,9).  Other 118 genera, which specific richness level is high, include 37,2%. Flora is characterized with significant specific and generic richness and equally tends to both floras of Ancient Mediterranean and to Boreal ones, at that there is observed the strengthening of systematic structure as a result of anthropogenic influence.

Conclusion: For today the studied flora of the National natural park “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava” is at the stage of formation at the expanse of invasion of adventives varieties, caused by urbanization of the territory in last decade. However most advents have the wide ecological amplitude, there are eurytopic and indifferent to the different environmental factors.

As a result of the analysis of systematic structure of flora of the National natural park “Biloberezhzhya Svyatoslava” there was revealed, that the combination of ecotypes, different by microclimatic and phytocenotic conditions, on the studied territory mainly causes the formation of essential β-diversity and original rich specific composition on this rather small territory

Author Biographies

Svetlana Melnychuk, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding Geroyiv Stalingrada ave., 9, Mykolayiv, Ukraine, 54025

Postgraduate student

Department of environmental and occupational safety

Ganna Trochymenko, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding Geroyiv Stalingrada ave., 9, Mykolayiv, Ukraine, 54025

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of environmental and occupational safety


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How to Cite

Melnychuk, S., & Trochymenko, G. (2017). Floristic richness and taxonomic analysis of the flora of the national park "biloberezhzhya svyatoslava". ScienceRise: Biological Science, (2 (5), 24–29.



Biological Sciences