Svitlana Tolochko
Institute of Problems of Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher
Laboratory of Extracurricular Education
Scopus profile: link
Researcher ID: AAI-1326-2020
GoogleScholar profile: link
Selected Publications:
- Tolochko, S., Vasiuk, O. (2024). Formation of positive psycho-emotional intelligence of applicants for education: content and role in personal potential development. Health & Education, 3, 205–210.
- Tolochko, S. (2024). Ecological culture in the structure of multicultural personality of applicants for education. Suspilstvo ta Natsionalni Interesy, 4 (4).
- Tolochko, S. (2024). Psycho-emotional applicants’ for education intelligence as a key aspect of modern educational system. Pedagogical Academy: Scientific Notes, 8.
- Tolochko, S. (2024). Conceptual basis of formation of senior students’ environmental competence in terms of overcoming environmental consequences of the war. Collection of Research Papers Pedagogical Sciences, 106, 28–35.
- Tolochko, S. (2024) Aesthetization of the educational process in institutions of higher education. Naukovyi visnyk Sivershchyny. Seriia: Osvita. Sotsialni ta povedinkovi nauky, 2 (13). 220–235.
- Kanishevska, L., Shakhrai, V., Alieksieieva, S., Poyasyk, O., Tolochko, S., Khrapatyi, S. (2022). Higher Education Institutions Management in a Pandemic. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 11 (9), 20.
- Ponomarenko, N., Polyansky, P., Shkurat, I., Romanenko, M., Tolochko, S. (2022). Quality management of higher education for increasing the competitiveness of labour resources. International Journal for Quality Research, 16 (3), 817–830.