Research of the stages of the professionalization of folk-stage choreography in historical cultural dynamics




choreography, folk-stage dance, dance professionalization, choreographic education, choreographic pedagogy


There were analyzed the features of the genesis and development of folk-stage choreography as a professional activity phenomenon from ancient to modern forms. There were characterized historical-cultural and art factors of the choreographic education formation in Ukraine, preconditions of its theoretical-methodological grounds, prominent tendencies of development. Based on the system study of ethnographic primary sources of the Ukrainian choreography there was specified the essence of the notions “folk dance”, “typical dance”, “folk-stage dance”, their content interconnection was analyzed and the dynamics of changes in the field thesaurus formation was determined. In the process of the diachronic analysis of the main stages of the folk-stage dance development the totality of criteria signs of its professionalization was separated and determined as important factors of the formation of theoretical and practical principles of the choreographic education. The first stage (XIV-XVIII cent.) – syncretic – defines a dance as an organic component of the united dramatized art action, existed in forms of school, fair, folk-mysterial theaters; the second  (XVIII – XIX cent.) – connects a dance with the activity of amateur theaters of different social groups (private, serf, municipal, folk, student and so on) and is characterized by the domination of divertissement character of the choreographic component of dramatic action; third (XIX – early XX cent.) – interprets a dance in the organic unity with the content line of dramatic performances, embodies the generation of the Ukrainian professional theater, gradual transformation of the folk dance into ballet genre on the stage of amateur and professional stationary theatric troupes; fourth (XX – early XXI cent.) – characterizes the folk-stage dance as a theatric genre of professional music-dramatic and opera-ballet theaters and separate genre of the stage choreographic execution – dance stage, – practically embodied in the activity of amateur and professional choreographic and vocal-choreographic groups

Author Biography

Tetyana Blagova, Poltava National V. G. Korolenko Pedagogical University Ostrohradskoho str., 2, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000

PhD, Associate Professor

Choreography department


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How to Cite

Blagova, T. (2017). Research of the stages of the professionalization of folk-stage choreography in historical cultural dynamics. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (7 (15), 36–40.



Pedagogical Education