The substantiation of the selection of medicinal plants and their rational application in diseases of the hepatobiliary system
medicinal plants, selection methodology, rational use, hepatoprotective action, choleretic actionAbstract
Aim of the work. The aim of the work was to develop methodological approaches to justify the selection of medicinal plants and phytopreparations for diseases of the hepatobiliary system and to determine aspects of their rational use.
Methods. The studies were carried out by analyzing the scientific literature data and the results of our own experimental studies on determining the influence of groups of plant biologically active substances (BAS) on the links of the pathological process in diseases of the liver and bile ducts.
Results. Hepatoprotectors of plant origin are quite a large group of drugs and account for more than half of all hepatoprotectors available on the pharmaceutical market. Among the popular medicinal plants and preparations based on them (mono- and multicomponent), the silybum marianum, the artichoke, the fumarium officinalis, the main groups of active substances are flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids and alkaloids, respectively. However the spectrum of medicinal plants (and groups of biologically active substances) that is used to prevent and treat diseases of the hepatobiliary system is much broader. Therefore, the article substantiates the necessity of developing an algorithm for the selection of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases of the hepatobiliary system, which is based on the definition of the main etiological and pathogenetic aspects of liver and biliary tract diseases, the peculiarities of the use of medicinal plants whose spectrum is determined by different groups of biologically active compounds.
Conclusions. Based on scientific data on the etiology, the main links of the pathological process and clinical and biochemical syndromes of diseases of the hepatobiliary system was presented the directions of treatment of these diseases with plant products. The necessity of development of methodological approaches to justify selection of medicinal plants and phytopreparations for diseases of the hepatobiliary system and to determine the aspects of their rational use is substantiated. The basic principles of the use of medicinal plants for diseases of the liver and bile ducts are formulated
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