«ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» scientific peer-reviewed journal, published 6 times a year, included in category «A» «List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine» (Сertificated by order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 420 from 19.04.2021).

The main mission of the journal – dissemination of the results of scientific research aimed at ensuring the quality of pharmaceutical assistance to the population through targeted search and modern pharmaceutical development of innovative medicines, the creation of modern quality management systems at pharmaceutical enterprises in the industry.

In the journal «ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» publishes research designed and implemented taking into account the Quality by design concept with widespread use of computational methods.

The journal is intended for scientists, pharmacists, doctors, educators, and healthcare professionals.

Innovations in pharmaceutical science - for practical use.

ISSN 2519-4844E-ISSN 2519-4852ISSN-L 2519-4844

Drawing up the items of the publication ethics policy of the journal «ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» Editors followed the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


How political situations affect author safety


COPE recommends that each case be assessed carefully based on as much information as possible, and that full records be kept of the actions taken. Where retraction would not normally be warranted on the basis of an author wishing to disassociate themselves from an article, the safety of humans comes before issues of publication ethics. Editors may therefore choose to issue an editorial note indicating the authors’ removal (if possible without retraction of the paper). The publisher should also consider contacting the authors’ institution(s) as long as that would not pose additional threats to any of the authors.

Read more about How political situations affect author safety

Current Issue

No. 6(52) (2024)
					View No. 6(52) (2024)
Published: 2024-12-30

Pharmaceutical Science

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The main mission of the journal «ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» – dissemination of the results of scientific research aimed at ensuring the quality of pharmaceutical assistance to the population through targeted search and modern pharmaceutical development of innovative medicines, the creation of modern quality management systems at pharmaceutical enterprises in the industry.

In the journal «ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» publishes research designed and implemented taking into account the Quality by design concept with widespread use of computational methods.

The journal is intended for scientists, pharmacists, doctors, educators, and healthcare professionals.

Innovations in pharmaceutical science - for practical use.


Drawing up the items of the publication ethics policy of the journal «ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science» Editors followed the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).