The analysis of iridoid compounds in motherwort herb
The analysis of iridoid compounds in Motherwort herbAbstract
The pressing objective for modern pharmacy is the search of new herbal remedies with ensured resource base for successful realization of national programs, prescribed by the Concept of pharmaceutical sector development of healthcare of Ukraine for 2011–2020 years, devoted to development and implementation of efficient, safe, non-toxic, and standardized according to European standards of quality phytopharmaceutical remedies, manufactured in accordance to the modern technologies with verified effect and dosage.
Motherwort herb contains alkaloids, flavonoids (quinqueloside, rutin, quercetin, glucorhamnoside, hyperoside, etc.), triterpene saponins, steroids, tannins, essential oil, organic acids, monoterpene (iridoids) and diterpene compounds, choline, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Such composition of biologically active compounds (BAC) causes sedative, anticonvulsant, antianginal, hypotensive, antispasmodic, and diuretic effect. Besides, motherwort herb provides soft cardiotonic effect. Glucorhamnoside of Motherwort herb slows the heart rate down, reduces blood pressure, and shows sedative action. Flavonoids, iridoids, and steroids cause antispasmodic, sedative, and hypotensive properties. Remedies, containing Motherwort, are related to drugs influencing the nervous system.
Aim. The aim of our work was identification and quantitative analysis of iridoids in Motherwort herb and in viscous extract on its basis (MHVE).
Methods. Identification of different groups of BAC was carried out using qualitative reactions and thin-layer chromatography method (TLC). Standardization was carried out by means of spectroscopy method.
Results. As a result of research, identification of iridoid components by TLC method in Motherwort herb and in MHVE was substantiated, and Motherwort herb and VEMH were standardized by iridoids content.
Conclusion. Motherwort herb is herbal source to obtain remedies influencing the nervous system. BAC complex of herb, in particular iridoids, shows sedative effect; therefore, their sequential identification and standardization in herb-remedy line is important
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