



specificity, socialization, elderly people, information society.


At each age stage of personality development, the process of socialization is due to the influence of socio-cultural factors and has its own specificity. The elderly people preparing to retire and complete their professional activities are experiencing a peculiar crisis that directly affects the adaptation to new living conditions. The reduced adaptive capacity makes it difficult to respond to new challenges associated with living conditions in the information society. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify the key features of the third age people socialization in the modern society to determine the content of their socio-pedagogical support. The main methods used in the given study are analysis, synthesis, systematization, and generalization. The determined characteristic features of the elderly people socialization are the following: the success of this process, depending on the way of life in youth; the attitude of large and small social groups and institutions to this age group of persons; the attitude towards oneself, to others, to aging; the availability of an adaptation resource and opportunities for self-realization of the elderly in conditions of the fluidity of society. The analyzed «Strategy of the state policy on the issues of healthy and active longevity of the population for the period up to 2022» as well as its Action plan confirmed the interest of the state, the urgency and necessity of introducing the social and pedagogical support of the elderly in the present day information society. The definition of the peculiarities of this age group socialization provides grounds for the development of the content of social and pedagogical support, which involves creating conditions for improving this process, using art as a means that provides opportunities for implementing unmet needs, achieving emotional stability, getting rid of negative psychic states, activating artistic endeavor, extension of the range of social ties under current circumstances, etc. The prospect of further research lies in substantiating the peculiarities of social and pedagogical support of the elderly people in the information society and to prove the necessity of using art to improve their socialization process.

Author Biography

Yulia Lysenko, Communal educational institution «Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogics


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How to Cite

Lysenko, Y. (2018). SPECIFICATION OF SOCIALIZATION OF THE ELDERLY PEOPLE LIVING IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY. Social Work and Education, 5(4), 33–44. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.18.4.3

