
  • Iryna Kosubovska Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine




community, local community, social worker, specialist in social work.


The refoulement of the socio-political system of Ukraine involves the creation of united territorial communities and the transfer of powers, resources, budget, and responsibility from the state to local level. Social protection of all categories of the population, solving social problems, meeting the interests and needs of community members is also within the jurisdiction of local authorities. Investigation of the essence of the territorial community as an object of activity of specialists in social work will allow broadening the understanding of scientists and practitioners regarding the specifics of the organization of social work at the local level and the peculiarities of the work of social workers in the territorial communities in the present. In the context of the study, the main approaches to the interpretation of the concepts "community", "territorial community" from the point of political scientists, historians, sociologists and social workers has been highlighted. Analysis of scientific literature on the issue of research suggests the availability of various approaches to the concept of "communities" and in scientific dictionaries. It has been noted that meaning of the concepts "community" and "territorial community" are multifaceted and contradictory. Having analyzed the works of domestic and foreign scientists, we outlined the characteristics of a territorial community, such as: territory and social interaction. It has been characterized the professional activity of social workers in Ukraine in the territorial community. This activity is directed mainly at: organization of local life; activating actions in the middle of the community; community development and development of local / public policy.

Author Biography

Iryna Kosubovska, Uzhhorod National University

Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Head of Department of general pedagogy and pedagogy of higher education


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How to Cite

Kosubovska, I. (2019). TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY AS THE OBJECT OF SOCIAL WORKER ACTIVITY. Social Work and Education, 6(1), 19–31. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.19.1.2

