



pedagogical culture, pedagogical culture of parents, structure of pedagogical culture of parents, social workers, future social workers, training social pedagogics.


At the present stage of development of the society a number of social problems were actualized. Among them there is insufficient willingness of parents to the upbringing of children. Overcoming the identified problems is one of the activities of a social pedagogics. Therefore, institutions of higher education have to give future specialists an appropriate level of competence in the organization of work with parents, aimed at improving their pedagogical culture. Under the pedagogical culture of parents we understand their readiness to implement educational functions. On the one handThe structure of pedagogical culture is considered by scientists as the unity of the moral culture, culture of thinking, of speech, communication, learning culture, work culture, physical, aesthetic and ecological culture, as a complex of cognitive, value, emotional and behavioral components. The level of pedagogical culture of parents depends on their level of education and general culture and individual characteristics and is determined by the wealth of life experience, level of own education. The task of the social teacher is to identify this level and conduction system of work with the family aimed at increasing it. Training of future social teachers to improve pedagogical culture of parents in institutions of higher education largely is driven by the content of the discipline «Social work with family». In the course of studying students get acquainted with different types of families and their features. Forming of future social teachers the practical skills of the professional field contributes to the preparation of their plans, lecture notes, discussions with parents on different subjects, and the development scenarios of the mass entertainment events. The major forms of preparation of social teachers are lectures, seminars, practical training classes, individual work, and discussion clubs and conferences that are in effect at extracurricular time. Therefore, ensuring the required level of training of future social pedagogics for increasing the pedagogical culture of parents is an important condition of social progress.

Author Biography

Halyna Dudchak, Khmelnytsky Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytsky

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Dudchak, H. (2020). EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING OF THE SOCIAL WORKER. Social Work and Education, 7(2), 208–214. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.20.2.6

