Ways of development of theory and practice of social work in the conditions of globalization





social work, international professional organizations of social workers, development of theory and practice of social work, globalization processes


The article is devoted to the results of research of the directions of development of theoretical knowledge and practice of social work as an independent branch in the conditions of growth of globalization influences on the social sphere. It is established that globalization has contributed to the focus of representatives of the international professional communities of social workers on the issues of mission, purpose of social work. In particular, the recognition of professional activity of social workers as one that contributes to social change, development, social cohesion, strengthening people's ability to function independently, freeing them from the negative, dangerous influences of the environment and the environment. Particular emphasis in the practice of social work - on the observance of the principles and values of the profession, such as social justice, respect for human rights, respect for diversity. Representatives of international professional organizations of social workers - the International Federation of Social Workers (IFAS), the International Association of Schools of Social Work (ISAF) and the International Council for Social Welfare - are leading the way in shaping the development of the theory and practice of social work. Thanks to the joint efforts of active representatives of these global professional communities in the field of social work, a number of studies have been conducted with the involvement of professionals from all levels of social work practice - from micro to macro and including social policy. This made it possible to find that in the context of ongoing and growing globalization changes in the world there is a growing social inequality in access to basic resources. Inequality in access to health services is particularly illustrative, prompting social workers to recognize this area of the social sphere as one of the most threatening in terms of social justice and human rights. One of the urgent ways to solve this problem is to promote social development, which is realized through the formation of strong and stable communities. Achieving this will be facilitated by the stable well-being and strengthening of the role of social work practitioners in improving and strengthening communities.

Author Biography

Liliia Klos, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Doctor of Sciences (Education), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Work


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How to Cite

Klos, L. . (2022). Ways of development of theory and practice of social work in the conditions of globalization. Social Work and Education, 8(4), 461–471. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.21.4.3

