


domestic violence, violence against women, physical violence, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, economic violence.


The article deals with the gender aspects of the problem of domestic violence. Domestic violence is researched as a phenomenon of social work. The content of the concept of domestic violence against women is analyzed. Today, state family policy is becoming one of the priorities of social policy in Ukraine. However, the family, including the Ukrainian one, in the modern world is in a state of crisis, which is manifested in a number of factors and destructive processes. In Ukrainian society, violence against women has existed for a long period. First of all, domestic violence should be distinguished, since this form of violence against women has always existed, but until recently it has not been recognized as a socio-psychological problem. The concept of domestic violence against women is closely related to such a phenomenon as aggression. In essence, violence is a form of aggressive behavior. Today, many problems have escalated, including social ones. These include the growing number of cases of violence against women. And the worst thing is that violence is seen only as causing physical harm, but violence can manifest itself in various forms, it is psychological, and emotional, and moral, and sexual, and even economic. The topic of violence against women has been elaborated more closely over the last three decades, but so far there is no universal idea of what to consider as violence; there are no clear criteria separating violence from non-violence. Violence prevalence statistics are considered low. The true magnitude of this phenomenon remains implicit because many victims are unable to differentiate the moment when family conflicts turn into overt manifestations of violence. Many authors say that violence is an interactive process. To explain it, the behavior of both parties must be taken into account. Consent and readiness for violence is the result of social learning, a socialization that is viewed in accordance with biographical experience. The general model of coordination work of services to overcome and prevent domestic violence against women in Ukraine has not yet been formed. This problem can only be resolved in close contact with law enforcement, health care, social development and education. Domestic violence cannot be considered a private matter for family members

Author Biography

Victoriia Nesterchuk, Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University, Starobilsk, Ukraine;

Рost-graduate student of the Department of Social Work


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How to Cite

Nesterchuk, V. (2020). DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AS A PHENOMENON OF SOCIAL WORK. Social Work and Education, 7(3), 254–262.

