https://doi.org/10.32461/2226-3209.3.2018.171179Ключові слова:
translation, translation of plays, comparison of literary techniques, translation from Tatar into English, Tufan Minnullin.Анотація
Abstract.The purpose of this work is to study the Tatar-English translation features of the dramatic works. In order to entirely clarify the problem, we based our study on the translation of the Toufan Minnullin’s comedy "Äldermeštėn Älmändar" As it is known, among all translation fields the hardest one is the translation of fiction. Translator of the fiction not only has to be experienced in translation but also to have a creative view and understand linguistic and cultural features of specific people. The following research methods were used in this paper: descriptive method (to clarify the features of Tatar culture in the translation), comparative method (comparative analysis of the features of Tatar, Russian and English languages). The analysis of the translation showed the following aspects of translators’ decision-making process: 1. Grammar and lexical techniques are actively used. There were various lexical
additions and omissions and a large number of complete transformations at the level of sentences. On the one hand the reasons for these interpreter decisions could be the grammatical and cultural differences of the original and target language, and on the other hand it was the desire to recreate the spoken language in the target language. 2. While translating the cultural realities, the translator used the methods of transcription, calculating and omitting. 3. An important role in the original work is played by inserting Russian text into Tatar to represent the specific, humorous, vivid village speech of Tatarstan. The problem of its translation is that the target language of the work - English - does
not have a similar tradition of actively incorporating significant foreign-language elements into everyday speech. As a result, the translator is forced to abandon almost all such techniques of the original, while allowing losing a significant, though not paramount, an aesthetic feature of the original.
Keywords: translation, translation of plays, comparison of literary techniques, translation from Tatar into
English, Tufan Minnullin.
Biography of T. Minnullin. Retrieved December 15, 2017, from http://www.tufanminnullin.com/p/blog-
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