Ethics & Responsibility

Ars Linguodidacticae is committed to upholding the integrity of the work we publish. The value of academic publishing relies on everyone involved behaving ethically. Ars Linguodidacticae believes strongly in maintaining an accurate academic record and follows COPE’s Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing

If you have any questions or concerns please also feel free to contact the Editor of the Journal or e-mail us.

Ars Lunguodidacticae is committed to:

  • maintaining the editorial independence of  journal editors;
  • supporting journal editors to run their journals ethically and transparently;
  • maintaining an accurate and transparent academic record, including publishing corrections and retractions when necessary.

Publication and sharing of open data

Publication and open sharing occur in accordance with the  Panton Principles and the FAIR Data Principles.  Article data may be stored in data repositories, data files, or article supplements. The related URL or DOI is added to the article's data resources section and should be cited in references to the article. If there is no specific data repository, authors should store their datasets in a general repository such as   Zenodo or similar.

General issues of editorial processes

All editorial processes (submission, peer review, editing, approval/rejection) are facilitated by the Open Journal System (OJS) from the Public Knowledge Project. All participants in the editorial process receive notifications from the editorial team via email.

Responsibility of the authors

Authors agree that their articles will be published Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0). Authors must submit a manuscript in correct English/Ukrainian language and formatted according to the Author Guidelines in Submission.

Authors should ensure that:

  • their work is original and written by them;
  • their work has not been previously published and has been submitted only to the journal; 
  • where material is taken from other sources (including their own published writing) the source is clearly cited and that where appropriate permission is obtained;
  • their work does not infringe on any rights of others, including privacy rights and intellectual property rights;
  • their data is true and not manipulated;
  • their data is their own or that they have permission to use data reproduced in their paper;
  • any real or apparent conflicting or competing interest is clearly stated on submission of their paper (this would include funding assistance);
  • they adhere to all research ethics guidelines of their discipline, particularly where human or animal subjects are involved;
  • they contact the Editor to identify and correct any material errors upon discovery, whether prior or subsequent to publication of their work;
  • authorship of the paper is accurately represented, including ensuring that all individuals credited as authors participated in the actual authorship of the work and that all who participated are credited and have given consent for publication.

Authors must acknowledge all major sponsors of the research relevant to their articles. Other sources of publication support should also be clearly identified in the manuscript as acknowledgments, such as funding for language editing of the article or any other publication support.

Authors must notify the editors of any conflicts of interest (see section 3.8 Conflict of Interest Policy). The corresponding author must provide a declaration of any conflicts of interest on behalf of all authors. Conflicts of interest may relate to joint places of work, sources of funding, personal financial interests, membership in relevant organizations, and so on.

Responsibility of reviewers

Reviewers must:

  • maintain the confidentiality of the review process;
  • refrain from contacting the authors directly without permission of the journal;
  • immediately alert their journal editor of any real or potential competing interest that could affect the impartiality of their reviewing and decline to review where appropriate;
  • conduct themselves fairly and impartially

Manuscripts will be evaluated by at least two reviewers to ensure a prompt initial decision. Reviewers must report any conflicts of interest.

Reviewers are not expected to meticulously edit the manuscript for structural or linguistic style but should focus on its scholarly quality and ensure that the overall style aligns with best practices in clear and concise academic writing. If the reviewers determine that the manuscript requires editing, they should notify the authors and the editor in their report.

Reviewers are asked to assess the manuscript for scientific soundness, clarity, audience interest, and acceptable writing quality. Detailed manuscript evaluation criteria are provided in the Guidelines for Reviewers in the OJS.

In cases of significant discrepancies between reviews or between authors and reviewers, the editors may evaluate these based on their expertise or seek advice from a member of the journal's editorial board.

Responsibility of editors

The editor-in-chief should:

  • monitor compliance with ethical standards of scientific publications and take action against any misuse;
  • give crucial importance to the solution of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript for printing, the quality of the paper, its originality, clarity and relevance to the volume of the journal; to ensure equality of scientific merit regardless of the authors' race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political ideology.

Editors should:

  • maintain and promote consistent ethical policies for their journals;
  • oversee and act to enforce those policies as needed in a fair and consistent manner;
  • ensure the confidentiality of the review process;
  • exercise the highest standards of personal integrity in their work as editor of the journal, recognising and planning for instances where they could have a competing interest or the appearance of a competing interest;
  • work with authors, reviewers, and Editorial Board members as necessary to ensure they are sufficiently advised regarding their journals’ ethics and publishing policies and that the journal’s stewardship on ethical matters is fair, and unbiased.

Everyone including Editorial Boards should

  • promote fairness and equality and oppose discrimination;
  • promote the transparency of and respect for the academic record;
  • respect the confidentiality of others;

Privacy and confidentiality statement

Ars Linguodidacticae collects basic personal information such as names, and emails in order to maintain the publication process of submitted manuscripts exceptionally. No personal information is disclosed to third parties. All editors and reviewers involved in the editorial process must refrain from disclosing any information regarding the content of the author's original manuscript (in whole or in part), the status of the review process, reviewers' comments and suggestions, as well as interim or final review results to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. The editorial team ensures the confidentiality of reviewers in the double-blind review process. All individuals participating in the editorial process must refrain from making any comments and not disclose publicly any details of the editorial process, the review process during preparation for publication, and after the publication of the article. The editorial team does not retain copies of rejected manuscripts and does not publish comments or notes on them.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Authors provide a statement regarding an individual's obligation to disclose any conflicts of interest (Form). Reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships, affiliations, or affiliations with any authors, companies, or institutions associated with the authors of the manuscript.

Policy on funding

Authors must clearly disclose all sources of funding that supported the creation of their manuscript, particularly those relevant to the research and publication process. The corresponding author is responsible for providing this information on behalf of all authors when submitting the article via the appropriate form on the OJS platform.

Additionally, any other sources of support for the publication, such as funding for translation fees or language editing, should be clearly acknowledged in the manuscript.