foreign language communicative competence, technology, future teachers, problem-based learning, problem-based tasks, skillsAbstract
Background: The formation of the appropriate level of future teachers’ foreign language communicative competence is possible with the help of effective methods and technologies which enhance students learning, motivate them and involve in different activities. Problem-based learning is regarded as one of the most appropriate technologies to be used+ for future foreign language teacher training.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to characterize problem-based learning and substantiate the conditions of its effective usage for the formation of future teachers foreign language communicative competence.
Results: The formation of the appropriate level of future teachers foreign language communicative competence with the help of problem-based learning will be effective under the following conditions: individual approach to students; taking into account their interests, aims; focus on the development of strategic competence; employing communicative, cognitive, cultural, research (linguistic and pedagogical) problem-based tasks which develop necessary skills; gradual difficulty increase; professional approach; the development of student autonomy which means finding a unique way of problem solving.
Discussion: Further investigations are necessary to substantiate and develop the methodology of the formation of future teachers’ foreign language communicative competence with the help of problem-based learning and on the basis of the integrative approach. Besides, the research should focus on using problem-based learning in foreign language training of students of different fields with the emphasis on their future profession.References
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