content, multimedia learning presentations, exercises and tasks, future teachers-philologists, principles, content constructionAbstract
Background: The research of raising the effectiveness of the learning process is an actual problem of modern pedagogics and linguadidactics because of active search of the most rational means of learning. Implementing multimedia as one of the modern means of learning requires generalization of conceptual aspects of their content construction.
Purpose: The purpose of the analysis is to determine the principles and work out the system of exercises and tasks that make the content or multimedia learning presentations for future philologists.
Results: The effective forming of the professional foreign competence depends on the proper determination of the content of the learning process and choosing the proper means of its realizing. Multimedia learning presentations as one of the modern means used in the classroom possess the didactic potential. Their effectiveness depends on selecting and placing proper learning and illustrative material and ability of the lecture to use presentations in the classroom productively. Thus, the determined principles regulate the content of the multimedia presentations: association with the Curriculum, integrative language acquisition, compressed presenting of the didactic material, professional, communicative and learner-centered determination, and structural placement of the didactic and illustrative material.
Construction of the content for presentations requires the use of language and communication focused exercises and communicative tasks which associate with the three-stage process of foreign language acquisition and leads to successful forming and development of necessary abilities and skills for future philologists.
Discussion: The problem of constructing the content for multimedia learning presentations, its theoretical understanding and practical expression requires the coverage of different aspects and establishing of spatial fillings of linguadidactics with its active and passive discover.References
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