


teaching grammar, assessment as a management tool, problems in grammar acquisition, objectives of testing grammar, test items


Background: The importance of grammar in building foreign language competence is indisputable, especially as learners advance in proficiency. In terms of teaching grammar, as Larsen-Freeman suggests, it is less about polishing grammar abilities and skills but more about localizing a grammar problem. Therefore, many researchers insist that it is assessment that can provide feedback about students’ progress and problems and make a strong contribution to the improvement of grammar performance through feedback analysis. Assessment is viewed in this case as a tool of managing, revisiting and redesigning the FL training.

Purpose: This objective of this paper is to show evidence of how interaction between assessment and teach­ing grammar to tertiary students can yield substantial learning improvements. The article also aims at discussing the empirical research carried out by the authors in order to reveal gaps in English grammar acquisition.

Discussion: The research, described in the paper, is designed in such a way that it could provide valid feed­back from two perspectives: a student receives information about their progress to monitor language acquisition and improve performance whereas a teacher makes use of the information for the efficient management of the 55 educational process. The feedback received by the teacher enables effective filling the gaps in students’ grammar competence by restructuring the learning content and selecting appropriate teaching techniques. The research framework of the study has utilized the following steps: 1) defining objectives of testing grammar in tertiary school and identifying the objects for assessment; 2) developing a grammar test construct; 3) designing the test; 4) pilot­ing the test; 5) analyzing the test results; 6) conducting a self-assessment survey among students (n=63).

Results: The study presented in the article has provided reliable evidence of substantial learning improve­ments as a result of using assessment in educational contexts in terms of classroom management.

Author Biographies

Tamara Kavytska, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD, Assistant Professor,

Department of Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures, Institute of Philology

Viktoriya Osidak, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD, Associate Professor,

Department of Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures, Institute of Philology


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How to Cite

Kavytska, T., & Osidak, V. (2018). ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING IN TEACHING GRAMMAR TO TERTIARY STUDENTS. Ars Linguodidacticae, (2), 45–55.

