lexical competence, experiment, differentiated teaching, efficiency, oral communication, goals, tasks and stages of the experiment, Law majors.Abstract
Background. Several factors affect the identification of topicality of this research. First, the rapid integration of Ukraine into the European space requires some strong and determined changes in various spheres of our life, including education and law enforcement activity. Second, reforms and European integration require a fresh look at training competitive, proficient and competent specialists with developed skills in at least one foreign language. Therefore, the FL trainers of non-Linguistics majors are faced with the challenge to teach FL to students who have limited number of FL classroom hours and different levels of language proficiency. Consequently, applying differentiated teaching seems the best option.
Purpose. So, the goal of this research is to analyze the results of the experimental FL training aimed at validating the differentiated methodology of building lexical competence in the English oral communication of Law majors. Additionally, the paper describes the purpose, tasks and stages as well as the process of planning, preparing and conducting the experiment under consideration.
Discussion. Apart from the teaching methodology, the author offers criteria for selecting participants of the study alongside with the criteria to assess lexical competence in oral communication of Law students. The hypothesis of the study was verified by the methods of systematization and processing of the research data. Thus, the data obtained from the experimental training and assessment have demonstrated a positive trend in boosting lexical competence in the English oral communication of the research participants.
Results. To sum up, the goal of this research is reached, and the tasks are solved. The experiment data prove that the differentiation model of building lexical competence in English oral communication is effective.
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