teaching in the tertiary school, methods of teaching, non-traditional lectures, linguistic disciplines.Abstract
Background: On the modern stage of development of excellence in lecturing, many innovative technologies and methods to perfect presentation skills of teachers are used. However, these methods are not always effective at teaching of the Humanities. This article considers ways to enhance teaching excellence in lecturing on Linguistics to Philology majors.
Purpose: to systematize and describe alternative types of lectures for teaching linguistic disciplines.
Discussion: The consideration of non-traditional types of lectures has enabled systematization of those which are effective for teaching linguistic disciplines. They include: problem-based lecture, lecture-conversation, binary lecture (two lecturers), lecture-visualisation, lecture with feedback and brainstorming. It is worthwhile to implement combined non-traditional lectures and interdisciplinary approach which will provide the blended learning with an emphasis on Science, the Humanities and general professional training.
Results: The author offers tips on how to enhance the quality of lecture materials, manner of presentation and interaction with the audience. Additionally, some typical lecturer’s mistakes were also considered in the paper.
teaching in the tertiary school; methods of teaching; non-traditional lectures; linguistic disciplines.
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