Using Interactive Techniques to Build Writing Competence in Linguistics Majors




writing skills, Linguistics majors, interactive techniques, stages of building writing competence, types of writing


Background. The article examines the effect of using interactive techniques to build writing competence in Linguistics majors.  The review of literature on the topic under discussion has enabled making a conclusion that interactive techniques used in teaching writing skills appear an important teaching aid that enhances the development of natural abilities of the learners and increases cognitive interest in learning a foreign language. Theoretically, however, the problem is underresearched in the Ukrainian context. Therefore, the topicality of the research is ensured by the existence of the difficulties in using interactive techniques in teaching writing skills to Linguistics majors caused by the absence of specially formulated tasks for this purpose.

Purpose. The paper aims at investigating the use of interactive techniques to build writing competence in Linguistics majors.

Methodology relies on the critical analysis of the available research on the topic as well as of the authors’ experience in using interactive techniques in teaching writing.

Results. The article gives insight into the concept of "writing skills", psychological and linguistic characteristics of students majoring in Linguistics as well as into the process of building writing competence. It also describes the principles of using interactive techniques in building writing competence. The authors present a set of exercises to enhance the students’ writing competence. The exercises that rely on basic characteristics of interactive techniques are aimed at developing writing skills to construct, edit and correct the text at different stages of its creation. The system of exercises includes 4 subsystems, each of which consists of exercises to teach writing in accordance with one of the areas of communication. The authors analyze the components of interactive technology, namely, value, activity and process, which are gradually realized, respectively, at different stages of teaching writing.

Author Biographies

Lina Nesik, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Senior Teacher, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Nataliya Lykhoshved, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Senior Teacher, Department of Foreign Languages


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How to Cite

Nesik, L., & Lykhoshved, N. (2023). Using Interactive Techniques to Build Writing Competence in Linguistics Majors. Ars Linguodidacticae, (9), 40–50.

