Building Competence in English Spoken Dialogue through YouTube in Grade 11 Schoolers




competence in spoken dialogue, YouTube videos, criteria for selecting YouTube materials, communicative situations, grade 11 schoolers, system of exercises


Background. The modern education system is aimed at developing a personality capable of communicating in various forms. Foreign language classes are no exception. In Ukraine, however, there is still a lack of high school students' ability to engage in dialogue or discussion in English. Consequently, the methods and approaches of teaching English require revisiting in order to involve as large a student audience as possible in the productive teaching of oral communication. This can be achieved through the use of YouTube videos to optimize students' activities in the process of building the competence in spoken dialogue.

Purpose. The article aims to give a theoretical review and develop the techniques to enhance the competence in English spoken dialogue through YouTube in grade 11 schoolers.

Results and Discussion. The article examines the effectiveness and advantages of using YouTube videos for the enhancement of competence in English spoken dialogue. It presents the criteria for selecting YouTube videos and communicative situations, provides a list of possible topics and spheres of communication to teach oral dialogue, offers a number of YouTube channels and videos which can be used in the process of teaching. The communicative situations are offered within the three main spheres of communication: personal, public, and educational. Within the educational sphere, the authors have added the topic of career guidance, which will show students a variety of ways to identify and realize abilities and professional inclinations. The authors have developed a system of exercises based on the use of YouTube tools to build competence in English spoken dialogue in grade 11schoolers. The designed exercises prove that YouTube videos can be used at any stage of teaching English dialogue and with students of different levels of performance and training.

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav Shovkovy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Department for Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures

Ruslana Stepaniuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

MA in Education, Department for Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures


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How to Cite

Shovkovy, V., & Stepaniuk, R. (2023). Building Competence in English Spoken Dialogue through YouTube in Grade 11 Schoolers. Ars Linguodidacticae, (9), 51–69.

