Role Play in an English Classroom as an Effective Method to Develop Grammar Competence in Grade 7 Schoolers




grammar competence, role play method, grade schoolers, intercultural communication, educational process, secondary school


Background. The article considers the effectiveness of role play as a tool to develop grammar competence of 7th- grade students in a secondary school. Based on the assumptions made from literature as well as lesson observations (teaching internship), applying knowledge of English grammar to speaking activity is still a great difficulty for Ukrainian 7th grade students.

Purpose. Thus, the paper aims at investigating the pedagogical essence and practical value of a role play in English language classes in a secondary school.

Methodology relies on the critical analysis of the available research on the topic as well as of the authors’ experience in using role plays in teaching grammar.

Results and discussion.  Grammar knowledge plays a crucial role in developing both receptive and productive language skills: from understanding the meaning by recognizing grammar forms to producing messages based on the purposeful use of these forms in communication. The review of literature on the topic under discussion has revealed that role play as a communicative activity is beneficial in developing 7th- graders’ grammar competence provided it is not overused in the classroom. It encourages students to express themselves, provides self-confidence and opportunity for practicing the rules of social behavior in the process of communication. Additionally, the use of this technique boosts students’ creativity and fluency through active participation of learners in various communicative situations presented in the English language class. The research proves that role play in teaching English grammar to secondary school students can be an effective way to modernize educational process and motivate learners for intercultural communication. The prospective of further research lies in creating a set of role plays based on the national curriculum for 7th- grade students.

Author Biographies

Nataliia Semyan, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Department for Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures

Yuliia Svitashova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

BA in Education, Department for Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures


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How to Cite

Semyan, N., & Svitashova, Y. (2023). Role Play in an English Classroom as an Effective Method to Develop Grammar Competence in Grade 7 Schoolers. Ars Linguodidacticae, (9), 70–80.

