higher information education, library education, archival education, document science education, information analystAbstract
The purpose of the work. This study deals with the justification of the concept of «higher information education», identifying the main concepts appropriate for its definition. Methodology used for the justification of the scope of «higher information education» includes whitespace analysis. Comparing fragments of accumulated knowledge, it allows anticipating characteristics of yet unknown features of the object under study and delineating the boundaries of ignorance about it. Scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in the definition of «higher information education», based on the main concepts of professional information operations. Conclusions. Introduction and use of the new concepts, caused by the emergence of the new information speciality 029 «Information, Library and Information Science» objectively require clarification of their semantic values and definition of the limits of their use. One of the first and basic steps is to determine the term «higher information education» as such.
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