
  • Irina Perederii
  • Nataliya Bilan



museum, museum communication, QR code, Internet site, virtual museum, virtual tour, social networks


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the article is to highlight and comprehensively analyze the modern forms, channels, and tools of museum communication that promote adaptation of these socio-culturainstitutions to productive activity in the conditions of the information society. Methodology. The methodology of the research was based on the organic set of modern basic scientific approaches (socio-cultural, systemic and interdisciplinary), principles (objectivity, comprehensiveness, determinism, continuity) and methods (system-structural, logical analysis, synthesis, generalization, updating). Scientific novelty. The scientific innovation of the work is to broaden the ideas about the perspective directions of the development of museum communication, based on the systematized representations of its leading forms, channels, and instruments by the authors. Conclusions. Communication capabilities of museums are related to their ability to communicate information with real objects directly or indirectly. The foundation of the communicative work of the museum is its foundations since the exhibition, and the educational and communicative projects organized on its basis are impossible without scientifically attributed and carefully preserved collections. Accordingly, the most effective channel of museum communication remains the exposition of the museum. Along with traditional forms and tools of museum communication, such as exhibition and exhibition, educational and educational, publishing, holding scientific conferences, the presentation of museums in the media, the new ones, connected with the development of modern information technologies, become especially important. These include museums’ websites, virtual museums, virtual tours and tours, QR codes, 3D technology, profiles of museums in social networks. It is the active development of the latter that will promote the broader communication of the museums with a broad audience of visitors, the expansion of inter-museum contacts, the integration of domestic museums into the world museum community.

Author Biographies

Irina Perederii

Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Associate Professor,
Head of the Ukrainian Studies, Culture, and Documentation Department,
Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University

Nataliya Bilan

Director of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve
«The Field of the Great Poltava Battle»


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