
  • Maryna Zatserkivna



public relations, universities


The purpose of the article of the article is to identify and analyze the trends of the organization of public relations in higher education institutions. Methodology. In order to effectively achieve the purpose of the study, an analytical method was used that allowed to analyze and identify the main directions of the organization of public relations of higher educational institutions. Scientific novelty. Efficiency and expediency of organization of public relations of higher educational institutions are investigated. Conclusions. PR can be considered as one of the functions of management of higher education, which promotes the establishment of mutual understanding between the institution, its public and society as a whole. Knowledge of the specifics of each such element in the educational sphere helps to solve not only the issue of promotion of the organization in the market, but also such essential management tasks as providing organization of information about public opinion and the development of appropriate measures, planning the activities of leadership in the public interest, supporting the institution in a state of preparedness for various changes through the anticipation of trends. Therefore, further study of the direction mentioned above is necessary and promising.

Author Biography

Maryna Zatserkivna

Postgraduate of Kyiv National University
of Culture and Arts


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