
  • Viktoria Dobrovolska



cultural policy, network society, cultural heritage, digital technologies, cultural space


The purpose of the article. Cultural policy in the conditions of network space and digital technologies, the creation of electronic resources of documentation and objects and subjects of culture, cultural and artistic product and cultural heritage, activities in the field of standardization of electronic documentation and electronic digital resources are considered. The methodology of the research is to apply the system approach and the information-analytical and culturological method. Scientific novelty. The basic principles of cultural policy in conditions of network society and digital technologies concerning preservation, research, and updating of the national cultural heritage, its popularization are considered; ensuring the maximum availability of cultural goods. The standards regulating the creation of electronic reference systems and digital resources are discussed in the light of the specifics of the cultural sector. Conclusions. The sphere of culture and art is viewed in a network society and digital culture. Such an understanding of culture in a networked society provides opportunities for creating a single cultural space and analyzing the development of cultures and the management of cultural processes, especially in the period of digital technologies that visualize the development of culture and art. One of the most optimal ways of moving towards European cultural achievements in the culture management system is the promotion and development of a network cultural resource on the Internet.

Author Biography

Viktoria Dobrovolska

PhD in Social Communications,
Associate Professor, Doctoral-student,
National Academy of Managerial Staff
of Culture and Arts


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